Monday, June 14, 2010

The average Google visitor on the May 22nd spent 36 seconds playing Google Pac-Man. That's 4.8 MILLION HOURS wasted for that day!

We've all seen the "doodles" that Google puts up on special occasions to replace the usual "Google" logo. On May 22, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man, Google put up an interactive doodle: an actual playable Pac-Man game in the shape of the Google logo.

The Rescue Time Blog calculated the difference between the amount of time the average user spends per day on Google and the amount of time the average user spent on Google on May 22, 2010. The average user spent 36 extra seconds on Google that day. Multiply that by 504,703,000 unique visitors and you get 4,819,352 hours of time spent playing Pac-Man around the world!

Assuming that the average Google user is worth about $25/hour, Google cost the world about $120,483,800 in wasted time. That's enough money to pay the salary of every Google employee for 6 weeks of work!

The Pac-Man doodle is gone from the main Google page, but if you still want to waste time, you can play it here.


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